Gynecology, Hormone Balancing & Breast Health  

Colleyville - 817-251-6533
Ft. Worth - 817-926-2511

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Complete Gynecological Services for Women of All Ages

FEM Centre's Personalized Care

FEM Centre takes into account your overall health. As we age, the prevention and rapid correction of ailments becomes more important. Gynecological care at FEM Centre includes not only a physical examination, but time to learn more about yourself and your body.

Answering your questions and addressing your concerns are cornerstones of FEM Centre’s approach to women’s health. Your evaluation includes an assessment of.

  • Gynecologic, breast, and general health
  • Hormones
  • Birth control methods
  • Bone density screening (Colleyville location only)
  • Nutrition and lifestyle
  • Personal and family medical history

At FEM Centre, pelvic structures such as the uterus and ovaries are thoroughly evaluated using vaginal sonograms. A routine ultrasound-enhanced pelvic exam permits visualization of the uterus, its lining, and the ovaries. Fibroids, abnormalities of the uterine lining, and ovarian tumors may be discovered earlier and dealt with in a timely fashion.

Midlife brings age-related changes in a woman’s body and the concerns of developing cancer – especially breast cancer. A careful monthly breast self-exam, combined with an annual exam by a physician and annual thermograms, mammograms, and HALO Breast Pap Test may help protect against this all-too-common illness.

In some instances, a surgical remedy is the only alternative that will allow a woman to lead a productive life. FEM Centre surgeons are able to correct many surgical problems using minimally invasive procedures.

Minimally Invasive Procedures

Gynecologic care at FEM Centre may help in early detection and treatment of physical problems. Surgical solutions may be required in order for you to experience total health and wellness. Laparoscopy and the uterine balloon are examples of innovative techniques that correct pelvic problems—allowing a rapid return to normal activities.

Thermal ablations – FEM Centre offers a “thermal balloon” treatment of the uterine lining for patients suffering with heavy, debilitating menstrual flows unrelated to uterine structural abnormalities. This procedure involves no incisions. A special balloon is inflated inside the uterine cavity and hot water is circulated through the balloon. The uterine lining is thermally destroyed and in the majority of cases menstrual flows either cease or dramatically decrease. Patients go home a couple of hours after the procedure!

Birth Control

FEM Centre offers a variety of birth control options, including intra-uterine devices, birth control pills, and birth control implants.

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Are Not Actual Patients
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